Celebrating 25 years of service to the Port Macquarie boating community
The PM Supporters Group began in October 1993 after one of our members brought back some literature from the Shoalhaven which already had a similar system running.
The idea that came into being was to educate “Boaties” that were here and encourage them to contact us when going to sea. It was also seen as a way of raising money to help with the costs as we are self funded. The first year saw approximately 90 members. There are now approximately 460 members.
We will be having an event at The Westport Club on the 26th October at 7.00pm to celebrate so make sure you visit this website regularly to find out more details when it’s officially announced.
As a PM supporter we have all your details on file plus a photo of your boat which enables us to identify you on the water a lot quicker than if we have no details. When we log you on, as you leave, we will sked you at 0900, 1200, 1500, 1800 (to get a situation report from you). In the unlikely event that there is a problem we can activate the rescue vessel sooner rather than later. Anyone who owns any type of boat or personal water craft and wishes to have enhanced surveillance and increased safety while on the water can join.
Renewing Members $40.00 per year or New Membership $40.00 pro rata from 1st November to 31st October. Your Supporter Membership is a DONATION and as such your membership is tax deductible as we are a registered charity.